Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Monday, March 5, 2012

Feb 26th, 2012

Opening Prayer:
• OM Sahanaa vavatu

Quiet Game: Shell Dropping
Craft/Activity: Coloring of Gurudev’s picture and Likitha Japa

We started our class with beginning prayers. We reviewed all the stotras we have learnt so far . Then we started Geetha chanting, absolutely delighted by their performance. Then kids played the Shell game, they had to count the Shells in their mind, with eyes closed and lips sealed. Today's story was titled " King Midas’s Golden touch ",  a story about how greed and always wanting more and more will only lead one to ruin. This was followed by Likhita Japa. The kids practiced writing AUM in Devanagiri and reciting it in their minds quietly. They followed the outline of the symbol AUM and did a wonderful job in filling up with as many AUMs as possible. We re-introduced our Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda through coloring activity. This was one of their favorite activities, we could tell. They really were focused and enjoyed it a lot. The we ended our class with purnamadah.

Today we had Nikita's parents helping us out in class and a big thank you!!
-  Note to parents: Please sign up for volunteering in the class. Sign-up are available with any of the Pre-K teachers. Please ask for it while dropping off/ Picking up your kids for class. I have added the link for Volunteer LIST and Backup LIST for your reference.
- Practise Geeta with your kids. Have them LISTEN to the shlokas (atleast 1 through 3) everyday. Listening is just as important as memorizing.
- Please do take the kids to bathroom before they are dropped off. As you know, in this age group one raises the hand, the entire class wants to go to bathroom.