Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feb 12th, 2012

Opening Prayer:
OM Sahanaa vavatu

Gurur Brahma
Vakratunda Mahaakaaya
• Sarva Mangala Mangalye

Bhajan: Gopala Nanda Lala
Quiet Game: Shell Dropping
Story: "The Generals Horse" 
Craft/Activity: Mouse Sponge Art
Likitha Japa: Practice writing OM

Today we had a meeting with parents where Ameetji discussed issues regarding the dismissal  on Pravachan day. Ameetji requested that parents stay back at the auditorium after Swamiji's lecture. Two front row seats would be  reserved for Pre-K and Sevikas will be bringing the kids to auditorium after the class. At the conclusion of Aarthi and Pledge, parents will be coming to the front and picking up their kids.  Today we had Vidyut's parents helping us out in class and taking the kids to the assembly, their help was very much needed, a very big Thank you from us.

We started our class with beginning prayers. We reviewed all the stotras we have learnt so far and today we learnt a new shloka on Sri Lakshmi, Sarva Mangala Mangalye.  Then we started Geetha chanting, absolutely delighted by their performance. Next week we will learn the fourth shloka.

This was followed by a beautiful bhajan on Sri Krishna, it really calmed all the kids. Kids were ready to count the Shells in their mind, with eyes closed and lips sealed. In the beginning it was tough for some of the kids to count in their mind, but towards the end they were able to count mentally. We will continue this game, increasing the length of quiet time.

Today's story was titled "Generals Horse", a story about how Mrs. FurryNose's family helped remove the nail from hoof of General's Horse.  Her family was able to do it by cooperation between  the family members. General's Horse was so happy that he shared his oats with Mrs FurryNose's family, a family of 300 members. Every member remebered their table manners, their pleases and thank yous, which was no simple task.

We learnt Sanskrit word for Mouse, "Mushakah" and learnt to draw a mouse. Kids then did Likitha Japa. They learnt how to write Ohm. We will continue doing this as a form of Prayer(japa).

After that we lined up for the auditorium, we sang "Om namah Shivay" all the way. There we enjoyed a quiz show by Fifth graders followed by aarthi. Have a great week ahead and  stay warm...

-  Big Thank you to all the parents who have signed up for volunteering. We will have the volunteer sheet available in the coming classes, if you havent signed up please do so in the next class.
I have added the link for Volunteer LIST and Backup LIST for your reference.
- Please do take the kids to bathroom before they are dropped off. As you know, in this age group one raises the hand, the entire class wants to go to bathroom.
- Keep practicing Geetha Chapter XII.