Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 3 Class, Section 1

Next class : Oct 10, 2010;


CORD is Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development. CORD Walkathon is held every year to raise funds for this Seva project. This year it is on Oct 24th, 2010, 10 AM. Please click here for more info.

Beginning Prayers:


  • Origami


  • Punyakoti

Ending Prayers:

  • Om Poornamadah Poornamidam


  • Ganesha Sharanam

Bhagavad Geeta:

  • None


We had few new friends today, but things are settling down very well. No tears !!! Children have become familiar with the routine. We started off with Shanthi Mantra. Very happy to see the kids were saying it quite well. If you ask the kids they would tell you the page numbers, encourage them to sing it for you at home. We learnt Vakrathunda Mahakaya and Karagre Vasathi. Children took a break with Yoga postures. We did the tree pose everyone pretended to be a tree reaching out for sky. Children roared like a lion doing the Lion pose and they loved it. We talked about Navarathri the nine days of celebration for the Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. Then we did story of Punyakoti, the kind hearted cow who kept her promise even though it was a very hard for her. Children worked with prefolded origami fortune teller, they colored and finished the fortune teller. Fortune teller has Om and Ram in both Hindi/English. Children learned to recognize these words while playing the game. Then we did our Ganesha bhajan. Every one sang quite well today. We finished off with our Poornamadha. Thanks to Ayush for wonderful cookies, everyone was happy to have a snack at the end of class. A big thank you to Mr Piyush Shah for volunteering for classroom set up. See you all next week!!!.


We cannot stress enough the importance of taking the children to the bathroom before they come to class! If one kid wants to go, then the entire class wants to go and since it is a very short class, it would be too much of an interruption. Kindly co-operate with us.