Next class : Oct 17, 2010;
Aarthi will be in the auditorium. We will bring the children to the auditorium at 11:30am. Please pickup the children from the front of the auditorium after Aarthi. Swamiji's lecture for parents will be in the auditorium from 10-11.30am.
CORD is Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development. CORD Walkathon is held every year to raise funds for this Seva project. This year it is on Oct 24th, 2010, 10 AM. Please click here for more info.
Beginning Prayers:
- Shanthi Mantra - Om Saha navavathu
- Early morning prayer - Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmi
- Prayer for Lord Ganesha - Vakratunda Mahakaaya
- Picture for Karagre Vasathi
- Mahishasura Mardini
Ending Prayers:
- Om Poornamadah Poornamidam
- Ganesha Sharanam
Bhagavad Geeta:
- Chapter 11 First line
We started off with Shanthi Mantra. Children then chanted Vakrathunda Mahakaya and Karagre Vasathi. Ishaan and Roma recited in front of the class, way to go Kiddos. Children did some Yoga postures. We talked about Navrathri and Ma Durgas triumph against the evil Mahishasura. Later we introduced children the pictures of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and their wives Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi. After that we gave them matching game sheet, and with some help everyone could tell us who was Brahma's wife, who is Lakshmi married to and who is Parvathi married to. We also traced out the hands of kids and children pasted the picture of Lakshmi, Saraswathi and Govinda. This picture will be very helpful for kids when they recite Karagre Shloka. Please do ask them to chant the mantra to you. Then we did our Ganesha bhajan. Every one sang quite well today. We started our Geetha chanting today. Children have to learn the 8 Shlokas, we are planing to learn first shloka next week. We finished off with our Poornamadha. Thanks to Vijay for wonderful Oreos, everyone was happy to have a snack at the end of class. See you all next week!!!.Reminders:
We cannot stress enough the importance of taking the children to the bathroom before they come to class! If one kid wants to go, then the entire class wants to go and since it is a very short class, it would be too much of an interruption. Kindly co-operate with us.