Next class : Oct 3, 2010;
CORD is Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development. CORD Walkathon is held every year to raise funds for this Seva project. This year it is on Oct 24th, 2010, 10 AM. Please click here for more info.
Beginning Prayer -
Shanthi Mantra - Om Sahana Vavathu
Today was our first day of full class, and we had a very busy day with lots of activities and learning. We had few new friends today, yay! We did our beginning prayers, we are really proud that children did the Shanthi Mantra quite well. Cotinuing with our Ganesha theme for this month, Harshala Aunty had bought a book of Bhagvan Ganesha. We learnt Ganesha bhajan. We colored Ganesha picture. We also did a matching game of Alphabets and Ganesha Names. We finished up with Poornamadah and then lined up. Parents, please sign up for snack if you are interested at the next class and we thank all the parents who have already signed up . If any of the children have any allergies, please let us know. There will definitely be no eating/drinking allowed in class, all the snacks are taken home by the children. We encourage everyone to bring in their own copy of "MY PRAYER" and coloring pencils/crayons for every class. Hope you all have a great week and looking forward to seeing you again next Sunday;-)