Aarthi in class. Please pickup the children in front of the class at 11.30am.
Jan 24, 2009:
Beginning Prayers:
- Om Saha navavathu
- Early morning prayer - Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmi
- Prayer for Lord Ganesha - Vakratunda Mahakaaya
- Prayer for Goddess Saraswathi - Saraswathi Namastubhyam
- Prayer after lighting the lamp - Shubham Karothi Kalyanam
- Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
- Sarva Mangala Mangalye
- Prayer before eating - Brahmaarpanam
- Swami Ayyappa
- Ayyappa coloring page
- None
Ending Prayers:
- Asatho maa sath gamaya
- Om Poornamadah Poornamidam
- Great God Ganapathy (click here for audio)
- My God is so Great (click here for audio)
- Ekadantaya Vakratundaya
Bhagavad Geeta:
- We had a huge class today. A warm welcome to our new friend Aruna who joined us today - she fit in very well as though she had been there all along!! We celebrated 2 birthdays in class today - Congratulations Vedhas and Bharath on turning 5!! We missed Mamatha Aunty today - she will be back next week!
- After our regular beginning prayers, we introduced a new shloka to recite before eating - Brahmaarpanam. You can find all the prayers in the book "My prayers" - it is available at the book stall.
- The children then sang Great God Ganapathy and My God is great - very heartening to see that they still remembered it after a gap of more than a month! We then listened to the new song again on Jeevan uncle's ipod - and we were treated to a beautiful dance to go with it by some of the girls :-) We learnt the second line of the song today and practised it a few times. Next week Jeevan Uncle has promised to teach us actions to go with it!
- We then listened to the story of Swami Ayyappa of Sabari Mala. We learnt how Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini to trick the Asuras and how Lord Siva and Mohini had a divine child who was raised by the King of Pandalam as his adopted son and how Ayyappa(also called Manikandan because he was born with a bell on gold chain around his neck) went out to the forest to get tigress milk to cure the queen, and killed the demoness Mahishi and rode back on a tigress to the kingdom. We chanted Swamiye!! Saranam Ayyappa!! like all the Ayyappa devotees.
- We colored a picture of Swami Ayyappan.
- We continued our Geeta chanting practice after a break of more than a month. Some of them came up to chant the first and second shlokas. We also started the third Shloka today. Priyanka and Daksha surprised us by chanting even the fourth Shloka and received a prize for it!! A prize awaits all those who can chant the first two (or three!) shlokas completely on their own next week...so start practising it today :-) Please use the audio on the site to guide you. If you have the CD, listen to it in the car as you are going to and from school. It helps a lot.
- We did our ending prayers and then lined up to receive our snacks and leave. Thanks to Priyanka's parents for providing the snack today. Thanks to Vedhas and Aditi's parents too for bringing snacks - we will use it for the next couple of weeks.
- Please remember that all parents are expected to stay on site in the school throughout the class duration. You can attend Swamiji's pravachan in the auditorium or attend a study group.
- Please remember to take the kids to the bathroom before class.