Next class : Dec 20, 2009;
Aarthi in class. Please pickup the children in front of the class at 11.30am.
Dec 13, 2009:
Aarthi in class. Please pickup the children in front of the class at 11.30am.
Dec 13, 2009:
Beginning Prayers:
- Early morning prayer - Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmi
- Prayer for Lord Ganesha - Vakratunda Mahakaaya
- Prayer for Goddess Saraswathi - Saraswathi Namastubhyam
- Prayer after lighting the lamp - Shubham Karothi Kalyanam
- Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
- Sarva Mangala Mangalye
- Story of Ganesha's one tusk
- Panchatantra story of pigeons trapped in a hunter's net
- None
Ending Prayers:
- Bingo
- Asatho maa sath gamaya
- Om Poornamadah Poornamidam
- Great God Ganapathy (click here for audio)
- My God is so Great (click here for audio)
- Ekadantaya Vakratundaya
Bhagavad Geeta:
- We had a smaller class today. After the initial prayers, the children pleasantly surprised us by singing both the Bhajans on their own. Several of them said they even practised at home!!
- We started a brand new Bhajan today - Ekadantaya Vakratundaya. We listened to it on Jeevan Uncle's ipod a few times and we were treated to a dance by Sruti! We then sang along with him. We learned one line today - Ekadantaya Vakratundaya Gowri Thanayaya Dheemahi. It is a very lilting tune and it was nice to see some of them humming it still on their way out :-)
- We told the Mahabharata story of how Ganesha ended up with only one tusk.
- We then did a small activity to try and lift a very heavy basket. Each of them tried and accepted they could not. Even Jayashree Aunty and Mamatha Aunty could not do it - it was that heavy. Jeevan Uncle was the only one who could do it!
- We then told the Panchatantra story of the pigeons trapped in the net and flying together to escape the hunter. We then asked again how they could lift the basket and Janani answered correctly that they should try lifting it together! They all tried and then agreed that when they work together it is easier accomplishing a difficult task.
- Please prompt and encourage your children to retell the story to you.
- We then practised the first 2 shlokas of the Geeta. They all get to pick up something from a prizebox next week if they can do both the Shlokas on their own.
- We are working on getting the kids to identify the various Gods and Goddesses. So we played a new game today - Bingo - with pictures of different Gods and Goddesses.
- Keep practising the Geeta at home.