Aarthi in the auditorium. If you are attending Swamiji's lecture, please pick up the children just outside the auditorium after the lecture and before the aarthi. If not, please pick up the children outside the class around 11.20am.
Due to the snowstorm, Balavihar for Feb 7th has been cancelled. Next Balavihar is on Feb 21.
Jan 31, 2009:
Beginning Prayers:
- Om Saha navavathu
- Early morning prayer - Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmi
- Prayer for Lord Ganesha - Vakratunda Mahakaaya
- Prayer for Goddess Saraswathi - Saraswathi Namastubhyam
- Prayer after lighting the lamp - Shubham Karothi Kalyanam
- Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
- Sarva Mangala Mangalye
- Prayer before eating - Brahmaarpanam
- The story of Satyakama
- Trishul and Damaru
- None
Ending Prayers:
- Asatho maa sath gamaya
- Om Poornamadah Poornamidam
- Great God Ganapathy (click here for audio)
- My God is so Great (click here for audio)
- Ekadantaya Vakratundaya
Bhagavad Geeta:
- We welcomed 2 more new kids today..It is growing to be a very big class now!
- We did all our Beginning prayers.
- The children then sang Great God Ganapathy and My God is great on their own with very little help. We listened to the new song again on Jeevan uncle's ipod - and danced to it too - atleast most of the girls did - to funny looks from the boys:-)
- Jeevan Uncle then read us the beautiful story of Satyakama, a little boy who sought Truth and approached Gautama Maharishi, and who lived alone in the forest and learnt to talk to all the trees, and birds, and sky and sun and learnt that everything was God and finally discovers God within himself too. The story appears, in this month's issue of Balavihar magazine.
- We practised our Geeta in earnest today. All of them seem to have memorized the first Shloka but we need more practise at home to memorize the second and third. The children have to memorize 7 shlokas for the competition on May 2nd. There are attractive participation prizes in the competition and we would like all our children to participate. We are thinking of having a chart up for each child from next week, and track their progress with stickers each week.
- We colored a picture of Trishul and Damaru. As Feb 12 is Shivaratri, we will do a Shiva story next week.
- We had a surprise visit from Jeevan Uncle's daughter Sneha - she came and danced beautifully to the Ekadantaya song. She has promised to teach it to the children in the coming weeks!
- We did our ending prayers and then lined up to receive our snacks and leave. Thanks to all the parents who brought in snacks over the last two weeks - we are overflowing with snacks right now and we are covered for the next 3 weeks!
- Please remember to take the kids to the bathroom before class.