Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Oct 20, 2013

A wonderful on-line tool to help your child
The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14.

 Next class is on Sunday, Nov 10

Opening Prayer:
  •  OM Sahanaa vavatu
  •  Om sri Ganeshaya namaha, Om sri Saraswathye namaha, Om sri Sat Gurubyoh namaha

 Quiet Time/Activity: Shell Dropping Game
Bhajan: Great Goddess Devi
Gita Chanting: Chapter 14, Shloka 1
Story: Unity: The Story of King Quail (Jataka Tales)
Deity Recognition: Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati
Sanskrit Learning: Numbers in Sanskrit
Likhita Japa: Learning how to write ऊँ.
(To help the children remember how to properly write ऊँ, explained that there are four steps: First you write a "3," then you must add Lord Hanuman's tail, next comes the moon, and then the last thing you draw is a bindu.
The children did amazing this week.  They are settling in very well into our class routine.  Here are some highlights from our  class.  We started by warming up with some Yoga stretches. We did our opening prayers and then learnt a new chant "Om Ganeshaye Namaha" ,    after which we continued to practice the  shloka Karagare Vasathe Lakshmi and the new Shloka 'Saraswati Namasthubyam'  that we learnt last week.  It was so apt for the time of the year to learn about Goddess Saraswati and the significance of this Shloka.  
We did amazing during quiet time.  The children are doing well as little meditators.  After quiet time we practiced our counting in Sanskrit and also learnt to recognize 1-5 in the devanagari script.
We needed to get up and move after all this learning.  We had learnt a new Bhajan honoring the Goddesses for Navrathri. We enjoyed singing and dancing to this Bhajan again this week.  It was beautiful.  We know we will get better at the actions and words as we continue to practice over the next couple weeks.  In our deity recognition segment, we  reviewed the uniqueness of each Durga, Saraswati, & Lakshmi and also learnt some other names that we know for them.
 We did something special again this week, after having lots of fun with all our friends singing and dancing.....we broke up into two groups and worked in separate classrooms on our Bhagavad Geeta chanting. We then did our Om Likita Japa.  The kids worked super hard on their writing.   After all that excitement it was time to our Om Likita Japa.  The kids worked super hard on their writing.  Some of little friends, even tried writing on the white boards by themselves.  Great job kids!  Parents if you get a chance we encourage, you to print out the Om sheet and get them to color it to get familiar with it. 
At story time we heard the story of  'The King Quail on Unity' .  We saw that by working together as a team we can be stronger.  We learnt that another name for team work is 'Unity' and in Unity there lies Strength. 
We came back together as a group for dismissal.  Aarthi and pledge was in the auditorium.
We hope that your child had a fun day in class... we surely did!   We look forward to seeing you on November 10. Same place. Same time.
Lots of hugs to all of our young friends!! ♥♥♥
Homework Fun:
 Number Identification: This is a Coloring/Activity packet for children to learn numbers 1-10 (in Sanskrit.) We would like the children to continue practicing their number identification at home throughout the week. Once we feel that the children have a good handle on this, we will introduce lots of fun "Connect the dots" and "Color by Number" Activity Sheets.
OM Tracing Sheet (Click on the image and then print.)