• Next class is on Sunday, September 22
Rm D 110
Rm D 110
A wonderful on-line tool to help your child
The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14.
The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 14.
Opening Prayer: OM Sahanaa vavatu
Stotras: Vakratunda Mahaakaaya
Bhajan: Great God Ganapathi
Craft/Activity: Coloring Page of Lord Ganesha
Closing Prayers: OM Pūrṇamadaḥ
Parents, before we get into a lengthy recap of our mornings activities, we just have to say: "Your kids were absolutely amazing, today!!!" In fact, we thought they were in the wrong class... we could've sworn that these were the kindergarteners :-)
So, on that happy note... we'd like to officially welcome and congratulate all of our young friends on successfully completing our very first Balavihar class for this year. Not too many tears were shed... and not one request to use the bathroom. Thank you very much, parents... for helping us get started on the right foot!
We started our class today with chanting Om and we then warmed up with some stretches. This gave the kids an opportunity to settle into their new class. After we were all warmed up we learnt the shloka 'Vakrathunda Mahakaya'. It was amazing to see that many kids already knew this shloka. We spoke to them about the meaning of this shloka and how apt it was to begin our first class with this shloka and hoping that we have a great year with no obstacles. We also learnt a Bhajan for Ganesha with actions. The children enjoyed moving to this song. We heard a story on Ganesha as well. Through the story we saw how not to be a "show off" and to be humble and loving. We finished our class with coloring a picture of Ganesha. The kids worked hard and made such beautiful and colorful pictures, which they proudly took home. We ended our class with our closing prayers and Aarthi and pledge were in the auditorium.
Lots of hugs to all of our young friends!! ♥♥♥