Opening Prayer:
Geetha Chanting: Geetha Chapter XII - Sixth
Quiet Time Activity: Bhajan and Shell Dropping
Craft/Activity: Likitha Japa
Theme for the Day: Unity in Diversity
After our beginning prayers, Mamtha Aunty led the class through Vakratunda Mahakaya,
Saraswati Namasthubhyam, Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu and Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmi.
Meera Aunty sang a soulful song about Lord Rama. “Bhajamana Rama”. Various Names of Vishnu such as Raghuvar and Yadhuva were part of the song. Kids were listening to it nice and quiet as always.
Jacqueline Aunty played the “dropping of shells game” along with the kids. They were really focused despite the noises and whispering. A majority of them came up with the correct count!!
The class chanted Shlokas 1 through 5 together. Meera introduced Shloka 6 to them and we practiced it a couple of times.
Asha aunty told The Ugly Duckling story to the class. As in the story, kids learnt that we are different in many ways, yet we are all special and we have to respect and love one another the way we are. We also learnt from the story, that the “ugly duckling” never gave up and lived with the hope that one day he would find somebody that would love and play with him.
Our craft time activity was Likhita Japa of the symbol “AUM”. Jacqueline had got likhita Japa sheets with a pretty flower pattern, where the kids could write AUM around it and color. Almost all of them now know to write “AUM” in Devanagiri script. Keep practicing at home as well, they usually take their sheets home to complete.
We ended our class with Poornamada. Hope to see you all next week.
- Note to parents: Please sign up for volunteering in the class. Sign-up are available with any of the Pre-K teachers. Please ask for it while dropping off/ Picking up your kids for class. I have added the link for Volunteer LIST and Backup LIST for your reference.
- Practise Geeta with your kids. Have them LISTEN to the shlokas (at least 1 through 3) everyday. Listening is just as important as memorizing.
- Please do take the kids to bathroom before they are dropped off. As you know, in this age group one raises the hand, the entire class wants to go to bathroom.
Sevikas: Jacqueline, Mamtha, Meera and Asha. We had 2 Parent Volunteers