Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sep 25th, 2011

Sevikas: Nanda, Mamatha, Meera and Shaina
Morning Prayers:

Bhajan: Saraswathi

Craft/Activity: Saraswathi Coloring 

Comments: Happy to convey that we had very good class today, no tears. Every one was eagerly participating in all the activities, good job kiddos. We started our class with Om Sahana vavatu. Then Meera Aunty sang a beautiful bhajan on Saarswathi Devi. Kids really calmed down after the wonderful bhajan and they were ready for some learning and fun. We learnt a new shloka today on Saraswathi with Shaina Aunty. We reveiwed Karagre. Later Meera Aunty  told the story of  "Elephant &  Dog" which was a beautiful story on friendship. Shaina Aunty had a quiz on the story afterwards, and the kids really did well. Then we did some stretching exercises and later colored a picture of Saraswathi. We ended our class with Om Jaya Jagathish Hare  and Poornamadah. Next week we dont have a class. Enjoy and see you all on Oct 9th!!