Next class : June 5th, 2011;Beginning Prayers:
- Om Saha navavathu
- Early morning prayer -Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmi
- Prayer for Lord Ganesha -Vakratunda Mahakaaya
- Prayer for Goddess Saraswathi - Saraswathi Namastubhyam
- Prayer after lighting the lamp - Shubham Karothi Kalyanam
- Prayer for Guru - Gurur Brahma
- Before Meal - Brahmaarpanam
- Who is God ?
- Birthday Crowns
- None
Ending Prayers:
- Om Poornamadah Poornamidam
- Ganesha Sharanam
- Ambam Bhajami
- Ram nam tarakam
- He Shiv Shankar
- Today we had Tanvi's dad helping us out. Once children were comfortably seated, we started off our class with beginning prayers. Later we sang following Bhajans - Ganesh Sharanam,Ambam Bhajami,Ram- Ram Ram Ram Ram Nam Tarakam, He Shiv Shankar Namami Shankar.
- Students saw how when we mix colors we get a different shade (Blue+ yellow= green,Red+ yellow =Orange Etc)
- Kids heard a story which was told by Swamiji. There was a King. He warned his nobles and religious ministers who had also served his father to find answers for three questions within 41 days: Who is God?, Where does he live ? What does he do ? If they fail, King will ask his subjects to indulge in material world and nobody will be allowed to chant the name of God. Minister being anxious could not find the answer. But his cook solved the mystery by bringing a black cow. Cook said to the King, God is the one who can do wonders such as making white milk from green grass in a black cow. God is everywhere like light of the candle is everywhere in the room.
- This month May 8th is Gurudev's and May 21st is Swami Purushottamandaji birthday. Students made Birthday crowns for Gurudev's 95th and Swami Purushottamandaji 75th birthday. We stuck their pictures on crown.
- We thanked Samaya Sanikop's father for snacks. Samaya was absent today. Enjoy your Memorial day weekend, we will be seeing you all on June 5th. Stay safe ;-)
- Kids need to have "My Prayers" book. You can also buy "My Prayers & Stuthi Ranjani" CD.
- Parents on the day when Swamiji gives Pravachan, please do pick up kids from the class and then go to Auditorium for Aarthi and Pledge.