Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov 21, 2010 Section 1

Next class : Dec 5, 2010;

Aarthi will be held in auditorium. Please pickup the children in front of the class at 11.30am.

Thanksgiving day Camp Nov 26-28. Click here for more info.

Beginning Prayers:

  • Krishna Loves You

  • Rangoli

  • Writing
Ending Prayers:

  • Om Poornamadah Poornamidam


  • My God is Great

Bhagavad Geeta:

  • Chapter XI Shloka 1


  • It was nice to see everyone in the class today. Today we started our meditation session. Once kids were comfortably settled, we chanted Om three times, and followed it by a minute of complete silence. Kids did it, it was tough for them to keep their eyes closed, but they were quiet for one whole minute and we are very proud of them. We are going to continue our meditations at the beginning of our class. So parents if you see lights off in the class, Please be mindful, wait till the light comes back on before you open the door. We did our initial prayers, we had several volunteers coming up to recite Shokas. We rehearsed first shloka of Geetha Chapter 11. Parents please do help the kids to practice the Geetha Shlokas.
  • We did our regular Yoga practice, everyone remembered the poses very well. It is kind of mini break for the kids after the Shloka practice too. They love to stand up and have some fun. Later we told the Story of "Krishna Loves You". We introduced to them a new bhajan "My God is great", we will continue with the same bhajan next week.
  • We did a wonderful craft of Rangoli. They had fun coloring the rangoli. Today we introduced them to write Om in Sanskrit. We wrote Om on the board, everyone came up and traced it on the board. Next week we will give them a worksheet to trace.
  • Thanks to Aryan for the snacks, we finished our class with Poornamdha. We will seeing you in December, because of the long weekend. Have a wonderful time, and enjoy the break ;-)

  • Keep practising the Geeta at home.
  • Parents on the day when Swamiji gives Pravachan, please do pick up kids from the class and then go to Auditorium for Aarthi and Pledge.
  • If any of the parents are interested in volunteering for Pre K class, Please let us know.
  • We would really appreciate donation of much needed supplies such as crayons, gluesticks, markers etc...