Next class : May 23, 2010;
Aarthi in class.
Please come into the class at 11.45am for short meeting to finalize details for the June 12th program.Aarthi in class.
May 16, 2010:
Beginning Prayers:
- Early morning prayer - Karaagre Vasathe Lakshmi
- Prayer for Lord Ganesha - Vakratunda Mahakaaya
- Prayer for Goddess Saraswathi - Saraswathi Namastubhyam
- Prayer after lighting the lamp - Shubham Karothi Kalyanam
- Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
- Sarva Mangala Mangalye
- Prayer before eating - Brahmaarpanam
- Prayer for Hanuman - Buddhir balam yasho dhairyam
- Prayer before going to sleep - Karacharana Krutham Vaakkayajam Karmajam
- None
- None
- None
- Asatho maa sath gamaya
- Om Poornamadah Poornamidam
- None
Bhagavad Geeta:
- None
- We practiced the Shlokas. Neel asked for the Shloka to say at night, so we introduced the new Shloka Karacharana Krutham.
- We then split the class into 3 groups with all the Devas and Devis in Mamtha Aunty's team and all the Asuras in Jeevan Uncle's team and the rest of the Gods and Goddesses in Jayashree Aunty's team and practiced our lines for the play. After wards, we had just enough time to practice the entire play in sequence once.
- We did feel the need for a couple of parent volunteers to handle the children - thanks to Priyanka's mom and Vedhas's mom for volunteering to help us next class.
- Please practice the Shlokas and Bhajans with the children at home - we don't have much time to practice in class now.
- Please encourage them to get as many stickers as possible on their chart. For those who have already got all the stickers, we now have one more Shloka to challenge you :-)