Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7

Next class : Mar 14, 2010;

Aarthi in the auditorium.


There will be an open house on March 21st for parents to observe what is going on in their child's balavihar class. Pre K parents are invited to come to the classroom on March 21st at 10.55am. One of the Sevaks will receive you and brief you and bring you inside the class for the last 30 minutes.

March 7, 2010:

Beginning Prayers:


  • Samudra Manthan.


  • None

  • None

Ending Prayers:

  • Asatho maa sath gamaya

  • Om Poornamadah Poornamidam


Bhagavad Geeta:

  • The children did the beginning prayers on their own for the most part. But for the benefit of some new kids and some who are back in class after a long break we learnt it again. We discussed why we should make sure we say all the words right and heard the story of Kumbhakarna who because of mispronouncing a word, got the wrong boon!
  • We learnt a new prayer for Lord Hanuman (Hanumat Jayanthi is being celebrated in the Vrindavan Ashram on March 27th with chanting the Hanuman Chaalisa 100 times).
  • They sang the first 2 Bhajans as usual with a lot of enthusiasm.
  • We started a new Bhajan today for Sri Ram. We learnt to do the first stanza with actions.
  • We then practised the Geeta Chanting. We got new volunteers to come up today which is very good..guess many of them are practising at home! If they can bring in their charts, we can start handing out the stickers. We had one kid take home 7 stickers today!
  • We reviewed the story of the Samudra Manthan - we will use the story to put up a skit for the end of the year show. We retold the story with the help of the kids - they remembered most of it. They formed two teams for Asuras and Devas and pretended to churn the ocean with a dupatta but it turned out to be more of a tug of war. We will continue with the fun next week.
  • We had a lot of enthusiastic volunteers for the various roles. We will decide in the next few weeks after we confirm the child's availability for the program.
  • They started singing the Bhajan Ekadantaya Vakratundaya on their own (we had decided to do it at the end)! And are they doing a good job of it! It was really very sweet to hear.
  • We are planning to do a simple dance to go with the song..so we practiced for a while. We will get to learn more steps next week. They all seemed to like it.
  • We did the ending prayers and then lined up to receive our stickers.
  • Please remember to take the kids to the bathroom before class.
  • Please register your child for the Geeta Chanting competition on May 2nd. Please click here to register your child.
  • Please print the chart if you did not receive one in class. You can find the link on the left.