Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013

Next class is on Sunday, March 17

Pre-K 1 Rm D110

Pre-K 2 Rm D109

Opening Prayer:

OM Sahanaa vavatu

• Om sri Ganeshaya namaha, Om sri Saraswathye namaha, Om sri Sat Gurubyoh namah

  • Karagre Vasate Lakshmi

  • Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu

Quiet Time/Activity: Shell Dropping Game

Gita Chanting: Chapter 13, Shloka 1,2, 3, 4 , 5 & 6 (On-Line tool to help with memorization and pronunciation)

Story: Bundle of Sticks

Bhajan: Jai Jagadisha Hare

Sanskrit Learning:

Krishna Vadati

Counting 1-10

Colors in Sanskrit


Likhita Japa: Learning how to write Ram

Closing Prayers: Om Pūrnamadaḥ


It was a beautiful day today....spring is almost here!  We had a small intimate class today and it gave us an opportunity to chat and get to know each other better. 

We started our class as usual with  chanting Om followed by the morning prayers. We then did the chants "Om Ganeshaye Namaha". This is an excellent way to think of Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswati, and our Guru. This also gives us the opportunity to learn and practice some new stotras. So after our chanting we continued to practice the new stotra 'Karagre vasate Lakshmi'. We also spoke about the meaning of this stotra. By saying this stotra every morning we remind ourselves that all the strength we need are in our own hands and each of our actions is an act of the Divine. The kids were also eager to do some of older stotras like 'Buddhir Balam', 'Sarasvati Namastubhyam' and 'Gurur Brahma'.  Since it is Shivratri today, we took a moment to think of Lord Shiva and pray to Him for peace.  We did this by chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" eleven times. 

At quiet time the kids did amazing job of meditating for three whole minutes.  It is tremendos to see the little ones sit and focus for this amount of time.  Quiet time was followed by chanting the first to fifth shloka from chapter 13 in the Bhagvad Geeta. We continued to practice the sixth shloka that we had learnt last week. The kids are doing amazing with their chanting. We thank the parents for continuing to pratice with them.

At story time we heard the story of 'Bundle of Sticks' from the Aesop's Fable.  We also did a little activity with sticks to illustrate to the children the meaning and significance of Unity.  It was amazing to see the insight that the children provided to the story.  We truly have a very sharp set of kids.

After story time we played a round of "Krishna Vadati" and added some new words to our Sanskrit vocabulary. We continued to practice our likita japa. They did an excellent job. We will continue to work on this in the coming weeks.

We then reviewed our colors in Sanskrit and practised reading our numbers from 1-10 in Sanskrit.

We ended our class with our closing prayers.

Aarthi and pledge was in the auditorium