Next class: Sept. 23, 2012 (10 am, Room D-110)
In the midst of all the chaos, we forgot to get everyone's email addresses. We would appreciate it if you could drop us a line with your contact info (name, child's name, email, telephone number and the Study Group you're attending.) It would be great to have this info before our next class... thanks!
What a joy it was to spend this Sunday morning with all of you in our very first Balavihar Class of the year!! We hope that you all had as much fun as the aunties :-)
We'd like to take this opportunity to quickly recap some of the main points we discussed regarding your child's learning throughout the year. Please take a few minutes to review... and if you have any questions or suggestions, we urge you to drop us an email. We look forward to having many conversations with you over the next few months... and there's no better time to begin this process than now!
So without further ado... here's a quick recap:
• Please remember to take your child to the restroom before bringing him/her to class. Even if you're running late that morning, please make sure to do this.
• We have been instructed that absolutely no food/drinks are allowed in our classroom. As much as we'd like to have a fun snack break with the kids, it is forbidden for us. This is the school's regulation and we must abide by it. Otherwise, the aunties will get a BIG "time out."
• We will provide all classroom materials that your child will be using throughout the year. Therefore, we ask that you do not send in crayons, glue sticks, scissors, backpacks, etc. with your child.
• We encourage you to purchase a copy of "My Prayers" if you do not already own it. However, please do not send this in with your child.
• If your child is having a difficult time adjusting to the fact that you will not be in the classroom with him/her, please feel free to join us for the first few classes. We do ask, however, that you help your child work towards becoming independent in class. We will be very happy to work with you in finding ways to make your child feel comfortable and confident... so please don't hesitate to share your suggestions or thoughts with us. We are certain that after a few weeks your child will be eager to walk through that door, without a second thought or shedding a tear! :-)
• If you would like to sign up as a parent volunteer for the class. Please see Anandhi Ramachandran. She is the person in charge of coordinating the schedules. Ideally, we would love to have 2 parent volunteers per class. (Dads included!)
Think that about covers it! For now, at least...
We wish everyone a wonderful week... and we look forward to seeing you next Sunday, 10:00 sharp!
Homework Project
Homework Project
This OM is for the children to practice writing their strokes correctly. Having the children color the OM can also be a nice way for them to quieten their minds and meditate on God.
Click on the picture and print.