Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jan 9th, 2011

Next class : Jan 23, 2010;

Beginning Prayers:

  • Krishna Rocks

  • Kite Making

  • None
Ending Prayers:

  • Om Poornamadah Poornamidam

  • Subramanyam

Bhagavad Geeta:


  • It was nice to see everyone in the class today after wonderful vacation. Harshala Aunty was also back, yay. We started of with meditation session. Once kids were comfortably settled, we chanted Om three times, and followed it by a minute of complete silence. We did our initial prayers, we had several volunteers coming up to recite Shokas. Today we learnt a new Shloka - Brahmaarpanam, this shloka is recited before having a meal. We rehearsed first and second shloka of Geetha Chapter 11. Parents kids need a lot of practice, Please help them.
  • After our regular yoga practice, we discussed another celebration in India the festival of 'Makar Sankranthi'. It falls on Jan 14th, we discussed about 'Uttarayana' - how sun moves to Northern Hemisphere, days are becoming longer, it is going to be spring soon. We discussed how different parts of India celebrate it differently, like in Gujarat they go and fly kite with their family. So our craft was kite making. Kids were so enthusiastic to fly the kite. It was little bit time consuming some kids couldn't finish decorating their kite, but it was fun. Hope you could help them at home. We also talked how Tamil Nadu celebrates it as Pongal festival. We told the story of Krishna Rocks which in essence is the story of Govardhan and also we talked why bulls are decorated during this festival.
  • Harshala Aunty bought a yummy snack, thanks Aunty. We finished our class with Poornamdha. We will seeing you in two weeks on Jan 23rd. Stay warm;-)

  • Keep practising the Geeta at home.
  • Parents on the day when Swamiji gives Pravachan, please do pick up kids from the class and then go to Auditorium for Aarthi and Pledge.
  • If any of the parents are interested in volunteering for Pre K class, Please let us know.
  • We would really appreciate donation of much needed supplies such as crayons, gluesticks, markers etc.