Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6th, 2011

Next class : March 13, 2011;
Beginning Prayers:

    Page 43 from "My Prayer"

  • None

  • Lord Shiva Symbolism
  • Passing the Crescent Moon
Ending Prayers:

  • Om Poornamadah Poornamidam

  • He Shiva Shankar Namami Shankar - Page 20 "My Prayer"

Bhagavad Geeta:


  • Today we had Hari Uncle, Dikshas dad helping us out. Once children were comfortably seated, we started off our class with beginning prayers. Kids chanted all the prayers themselves, and to our surprise they knew Brahmarpana too. We are so proud of them, Brahmarpana was a tough one, a real tongue twister and after 4 weeks they are finally able to chant it. We were continuing with Shivaji and Maha Shivarathri, we learnt a new bhajan "He Shiva Shambo". Harshala Aunty had brought her CD player, so kids were able to hear the bhajan from the CD "My Prayers & Stuthi Ranjani". We also chanted Geetha Chapter XI first four verses, everyone did a great job. We started off the fifth verse, Shreya already knew it. Shreya you are doing a good job chanting at home.
  • Later we did our regular yoga, we learnt a new pose Shiva Pose. It was tough balancing for the kids but it was fun.
  • Harshala Aunty told a story about Shiva Linga. We also learnt about significance of Shivaji and why Ganga is flowing out of Shivjis lock. We also saw a rudrakha beed, everybody felt it. We also learnt significance of damaru, nandi, third eye and crescent moon.
  • We played a game of Passing the Moon. When music stopped the person holding the crescent moon went and got dressed for dismissal. Kids enjoyed it. Later Diksha distributed the snacks. A very big thank you to Diksha and Hari Uncle. We finished our class with Poornamdha. We will be seeing you all on March 13th. Stay safe ;-)

  • Kids need to have "My Prayers" book. You can also buy "My Prayers & Stuthi Ranjani" CD.
  • Keep practising the Geeta Chapter XI at home.
  • Parents on the day when Swamiji gives Pravachan, please do pick up kids from the class and then go to Auditorium for Aarthi and Pledge.
  • We have two prayer books with us with no names on them. Parents please do write the name of the kids on their bookbag, books and jackets, it will be really helpful.
  • We would really appreciate donation of much needed supplies such as crayons, gluesticks, markers etc.