Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Pujya Swami Shantananda ji

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 11

Next class : Apr 18, 2010;

Aarthi in class.


April 11, 2010:

Beginning Prayers:


  • Samudra Manthan.


  • Coloring page - Garuda

  • None

Ending Prayers:

  • Asatho maa sath gamaya

  • Om Poornamadah Poornamidam


Bhagavad Geeta:


  • After the initial prayers and Bhajans we spent a lot of time practising the Geeta as the competition date is getting close.
  • We colored a picture of Garuda.
  • We had a quiz on the story of the Samudra Manthan to make sure that they remember the story well.
  • We then watched the Samudra Manthan story on the Chinmaya Kids website on Jeevan Uncle's projector - http://www.chinmayakids.org/dashavatar/kurma_avatar/kurma_default.asp

  • Please register your child for the Geeta Chanting competition on May 2nd. Please click here to register your child.
  • Please print the chart if you did not receive one in class. You can find the link on the left.